After DeskTray has been installed and you have restarted, you'll see a small bar just below the Applications Menu :
Clicking on that bar will expand DeskTray to something like that :
Clicking back on the bar will collapse the tray.
What's inside the tray ?
By default, DeskTray will list what's on your desktop. Which means every volume, all the items you've put on the desktop. And of course the trash. On the previous picture, there's only one volume named Sabrosa. There are 8 items on the desktop that belongs to Sabrosa. There are displayed below the volume's icon.
You can choose if you want to display items from a volume's desktop or not. Just on the left of each volume's icon, there's a small triangle that works exactly like in the Finder. Click on the triangle to hide Sabrosa's desktop items. Click back to show them. DeskTray will always remember the state of this triangle for volumes you have permission to write on (DeskTray cannot remember this state for CDs for instance...).
On the right side of the list, there are 7 tabs to choose what DeskTray will list. The first one is for displaying the desktop. The second one is for displaying desktop printers. And the 5 last ones are for your favorite folders.
How to choose which favorite folders DeskTray will list ?
DeskTray creates a folder named "DeskTray Items" in the Applications Support Folder of your System Folder. All the folders (or aliases to folders) that are inside will be listed in DeskTray. For now, you are limited to only 5 folders.
DeskTray will arrange these folders by name. Which means that if you have two folders named "Applications" and "Development", the first tab that shows a folder in DeskTray will correspond to "Applications". The second tab will correspond to "Development". If you want to keep a special order, you can rename these folders to something like "1-Development" and "2-Applications". This should be improved in the next releases.
You can easily open "DeskTray Items" folder by opening DeskTray Control (in the Control Panels Folder), and choosing the Folders panel. Click on the button "Open DeskTray Items Folder" and the Finder will open the folder for you.
How to move the tray ?
When collapsed, the tray can be positionned to every position on the sides of the screen. To move it, hold down the command key and click&drag the small tab. The drawer will adjust its position on the sides of the screen, depending where you mouve the mouse.
For now, the tray is limited to the main screen. Multi-screen support will be added in next revisions.
How to resize the tray ?
You can also change the tray's width when it is expanded. At the bottom of the drawer, there's one or two (depending if the tray is in a screen corner or not) small resize "boxes" (dark gray). Click&drag one "box" like in a regular window.
What is still to be implemented ?
Due to a limitation (bug??) of the OS, when you drag something onto the closed tray, the tray will expand but will not show the tabs to choose which folder to list.
And if the tray was opened before dragging an item onto it, it's not yet possible to change the list while dragging.
And the tray is still limited to the main screen...
These limitations should be solved in version 2.0, not before, I'm sorry.